Hello There!

Great Shift: Most of the world's population permanently shifts into random bodies.
Exchange Island: A special vacation spot in which you spend the week in another visitor's body.
Swap Class: A controversial high school class many parents force their children to take; spend some time (usually 2 weeks) in a classmate's body of the opposite gender, and become a more "open-minded" person.
Long Distance Body Swapping: To save time, some companies have potential employees from far away swap bodies with one of their own (sometimes female) employees for an interview. Swap facilities book up quickly, so an overnight stay is often required.
The Fantasy Orgasm Swapping Event (FOSE): Thousands of people having an orgasm to a fantasy suddenly swap bodies with that person due to a strange cosmic radiation that passes through the Earth (MY IDEA! Feel free to use, of course).


Wednesday, July 3, 2019

You promised you'd pull out! (explicit) (GIF)

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  1. god no please no i'm i'm coming now i'm i'm a girl now please stop yes yes yes i'm i'm pregant now!

  2. One load of Dan's seed was all it took inside Jason in his new 18 year old Dana's body. Jason called Dan 6 weeks later to tell him he had triplets growing in his belly.
    Dan was shocked, "I'm sorry Jason, i didn't mean too. I'll make it right".
    Jason was more shocked at the next thing Dan told him.
    "oh by the way. Don't blame me, but Dana, well you! She's been hooking up with my little sister. I caught them fucking last night".
    "What, but she's only 14. What is Dana doing".
    Turned out another 6 weeks and Jason was starting to show for 3 months and Dan little sister was confirmed pregnant.
    Jason knew he was never gonna get his body back now even if they worked out how to undo the FOSE.
