Monday, December 2, 2019

Kicked out

1 comment:

  1. jay really just could not really understand at all why she was doing this why she somehow felt some very strange complusion to come forward in time and seek out this future family that she had struggled to ever forget she had succeded in erasing that she had ever been born into this family she had erased her life as a male in this family because they had treate her all completly wrong as a boy she had finally escaoped from them by finally finding a real way to go back into the past and in that past jay was female and was finally the happiest she had ever really been so why the hell had she comeforward into this time she was the only one who still knew that she had ever ben born into this family she knew they would not even know her at all suzy ann was now standing at the door of these peoples house aboout to ring the door bell and try to explian to them why she was here but than suzy ann realized it was hopeless she j just knew they would never ever really belive her that she had been one of their si=ons but then something way dow deep inside whispered to her and the vry small voice said don't do it suzy an just go leave walk away and never ever come back here ever again these people really mean nothing to you they are miserabl;e people and you were never ever happy being in their family and so suzy ann listened to the voice and jusrt truned and waled away she went imedatly back into her former life as she turned away she could hear yelling and screaming cominf from with in the house god what am i even thinking about i don't even really belong here at all and so suzy an just left and went back into her life as a girl in the past where she was a very happy cute pretty girl with very lovong parents borhers and sisters who really loved her!
