Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Hi y'all!  Since I now have well over 2 million views (about 16,000 per day), I'd like to give a shout-out to everyone and thank you for visiting and COMMENTING, which is what keeps me going.

Since I love talking about myself, I figure I'd open up the floor for a Q&A.  Ask me anything about myself or this blog in the comments section of this post, and I'll respond.



  1. have you tried doing gif captions this site has a few gifs and other photos that are interesting they have tags so you can sort though them http://idol.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/533884

    1. I'd love to try gifs, but my version of photoshop is so old it doesn't support it. I had a hard time finding any software (mac) that would allow me to add the white space to the side for me to write on. If anyone could point me in the direction of a good solution, I'd definitely give it a go.

    2. Maybe GIMP would be an option

    3. As a gimp user/captioner (I post my stuff on imagefap.com), I can attest to gimp's usefulness and versatility. Making captions for gifs is a pain in the ass, but it IS possible. also, gimp is free, so that's good, and I use it on mac, so it's definitely supported.

    4. Cool Thanks, I'll have to give it a go!

  2. How did you enter the world of captioning? What was your first experience with TF/TG fiction on the internet?

    1. I had thought about being a sexy woman from time to time since I was 13 or so, but the fetishes I acted on were only shrinking/giantess stuff... and feet too. About 2 years ago, when I was 24, there was kind of a dry spell of new shrinking/giantess content, so I started looking for something new and exciting. I searched the internet for male to female body swapping, remembering that it had turned me on many years ago, and found great pleasure in TGComics.com and some stories on writing.com.

      I became more and more interested in TG body swaps. I used to hate anything involving males, but as you can see, I've also grown to love explicit stuff. It's a weird thing, I'm not attracted to males at all in real life... but for some reason it's OK when I imagine myself (or someone else) being transformed into a woman. A bunch of other heterosexual guys have emailed me expressing the same thing... we theorize we're mostly turned on by the "taboo" or "humiliation" aspect of being a woman having sex with a man.

      Anyway, I read a lot of captions, and had some ideas of my own. I figured, hey, I have photoshop. I can do this myself! So I made this blog. For a long time nobody even knew it existed, but I got so turned on by making captions I didn't care. Eventually, people began taking notice, and when the big sites add you to their blog list your traffic skyrockets. I'd highly encourage anyone to give it a shot (and let me know if you do)

      Sorry for the novel!

    2. Thank you for the response! And I love the explicit stuff, it's so good and very naughty.

      If you could switch bodies with one celebrity, who would it be? With your newfound fame and fortune, would you give serious consideration to keeping their body and life?

    3. Bar Refaeli. She's gorgeous AND basically the same age as me. I feel like I would try to hold onto my real life, but the pleasure of her body and having enough money to do anything might suck me in.

  3. So what is your favorite type of transformation and if it where to happen to you who would you hope to end up as.......... not nessasarly permanent. Switch or actual person just the senerio of a person. ie. a girlfriend or milf or celebrity ect..

    1. My favorite type of transformation is probably student/teacher. It's weird, I haven't been in high school for a long time, yet the power of those roles stick with you.

      In real life, I wouldn't want to swap permanently. The truth is, being a man in this world rules! HOWEVER, I'd absolutely go for a "secret swap" with my friend's super sexy younger sister. She's always been "off limits," so that's probably why. Luckily, I have a powerful imagination and I've imagined being her while having sex with a girl... who didn't seem to notice :)

  4. I found you're blog a while back because i was searching for a new TG blog that dose a lot of age progression because there my favorite type of transformation and i found your blog and instantly feel in love with you're age progression captions.

    But i was wondering why do you do so many age progression captions and what do you like the most about the idea of age progression.

    1. Thanks! I've found that the more inappropriate the cap, the more I like it. And what's more inappropriate than a teenager ending up as a MILF? There are also a lot of creative story opportunities there... how will his mom react to her son being the same age? How will he fit in with his friends? I love it!

  5. After doing this for a while do you go into dry spells for captioning? Also do anyone in your personal know about the caption blog itself?

    1. I suppose I've had dry spells, but mostly just when I was really busy. At the end of the day, if I put a photo in photoshop, I always surprise myself with the caption I come up with.

      I haven't told anyone about the caption blog OR my interest in TG. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, but for me, it's just more of a fetish. And thanks to the internet, I believe everyone has at least one fetish they'd rather not share with anyone.

  6. what your ideal cup size

    1. I've always been more of an ass man, but I'll play with D cups any day!

  7. Any plans on writing a new story?

    1. YES. I've been thinking about doing either a Swap Class or FOSE story. Caps are really fun but also really short... stories can be longer, which means more juicy details!

  8. I own a blog as well and reading your Q&A so far I found out that we really think alike. Real life is something complete different, but in caps I can be nasty and write about really interesting / hard fates, e.g. the young boy as a milf :)
    Anyway, I have used your FOSE universe in some of my caps as well already. Which is your favourite universe and why?

    1. Not to sound self-serving, but FOSE has definitely become my favorite. Great Shift was my first love, but body swapping is even MORE appealing to me when somebody is at fault. There's so much blame / humiliation / vulnerability involved in FOSE.

  9. This isn't so much a question as it is a comment. Your captions are fantastic. I can say quite honestly that you are my favorite captioner. My only complaint is that you don't update frequently enough!

    As long as I'm here, though, I do have a question. Personally, as a younger guy, I prefer age progression captions to age regression. Do you prefer one over the other?

    1. Thanks! You know, when I was younger I was way more interested in older girls than girls my own age. Although I wasn't into TG yet, I definitely would have preferred age progression then.

      But once you get older, the whole "teen" thing gets more exotic because it's something you can't have anymore. It would be taboo/inappropriate, just as it would be for you to be with a MILF. Right now I'd say I'm still slightly more inclined to prefer age progression caps, but I bet once I get older I'll prefer age regression more.

      By the way, in the real world, enjoy those girls your own age! You'll never get that vulnerable, wide-eyed kind of love again, and you'll remember those times forever. As Cat Stevens once sang, "Love is better than a song."

    2. (same anon who asked) Don't get me wrong: I LOVE girls my own age. Like you said, I think it's the fact that an age progression cap has that whole extra layer of taboo added to it, and it's one that I'm able to relate to more easily.

  10. what is your version of the perfect girl physically?

    1. Wow... it depends on the day. I think mixed race women are absolutely stunning, I need those big beautiful eyes, soft skin, lush lips, perky breasts, perfect feet, and a bigger-than-average ass. Beyonce basically.

  11. Completely unrelated to the blog, but what kind of music do you like/dislike? I figured you wouldn't mind answering since you said you enjoy talking about yourself

    1. I listen to mostly 70s/80s rock. The last concert I went to was the Black Keys.

  12. What's your favorite thing that is described in transformation fiction or captions? By that I mean for me I love the descriptions of the new woman's panties and what they feel like especially thongs. Like you said I think it ties in with the taboo humiliation thing, I'm not a cross dresser but If I had a woman's body suddenly and I pray temporarily one of the first things I would do is buy some lingerie.

    1. Actually scratch that I like it more when the story forces the guy into the sexy lingerie.

    2. This is a little abstract, but I'm most interested in the moment the guy finally "surrenders" a piece of his masculinity, either by force or choice.

      So yes, this COULD be the moment he's shifted into a girl, looks around her room for something to wear, and realizes she only owns skimpy dresses and skirts, and he's forced to wear them. Or it could be the moment a guy in a woman's body surprises his buddy by seducing him because he's so damn horny, and he just wants to be banged like a real woman already.

  13. Have you got any respons from born heterosexual girls/women?
    Why do you think female-to-male-transformations are so rare?

    Thanks for a great site.

    1. Thanks! I have not received any responses from any women, actually. We're basically looking at images of beautiful women with short stories next to them here, so the vast majority of responses are from heterosexual men who happen to think this is sexy... or maybe some people who actually want to become women (remember, sexual identity is separate from sexual orientation... I dated a gender studies major in college, so I know!)

      I'm sure that if I captioned images of good-looking men, I'd attract plenty of women who are interested in female-to-male transformations. But at the moment, the only men in this blog are in the explicit captions, and even then they only serve to add something to the story about the guy in the woman's body.

      Female-to-male transformations are out there I'm sure. Why so rare? I don't know... almost all porn on the internet seems to be geared towards men. There's something special about the internet and MEN spanking their monkeys that doesn't seem to be as strong in women (maybe because it's easy for women to get laid in real life whenever they feel like it!)
