Monday, December 2, 2024

Blowing the school jock (explicit)

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1 comment:

  1. "Oh, don't make me cum yet. Don't you want to learn everything about being a girl. You should strip and try my cock inside."
    Brad was shocked that after a few times of trying Darren agreed. Laying back Brad watched as Darren lowered himself onto his cock. Brad knew that he was not going to pull his cock out until he filled that bitches pussy with the biggest load of cum he could put inside it.
    Only took 5 minutes, but as Darren felt Brad's cock swell he went to climb off, but Brad just held his hips tight and pulled him down hard, while thrusting his hips up, forcing his cock completely inside the teen pussy.
    "Bitch never even talks to me. Oh god yes!".
    Brad instantly exploded, blasting his first load into the girls 16 year old pussy. Darren felt Brad's load flood inside his pussy. He felt the second load pumping inside. Darren didn't know it, but the pressure inside as the second load went in was the young girls cervix being flooded in seed. It was the third huge load of seed that forced enough pressure inside to force the girl's cervix open, allowing the first 3 loads to flood directly into the fertile teenage womb. Load after load continued to pulse from Brad cock and flood straight into the school girls womb.
    Brad knew he was almost certainly impregnating Darren inside his hardest conquest so far. He also knew that he was probably trapping Darren inside the girls body forever as he wouldn't be able to swap back once he has a baby inside his teen belly.
    Darren was shocked when he found out he was now going to be a teenage pregnant girl. Brad was excited knowing the girl who wouldn't give him the time of day or allow him to fuck her was now carrying his baby.
